Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well yesterday morning I got up at 7:00 to go snow shoeing. Its not that cool, its walking in snow with heavy things strapped to your feet so tight you lose feeling in your toes. But at least now I know.

Last night I got a group together and went to play sardines in the snow building. Its a super confusing. I rarely get lost, But I can not get this building right. We only played down stairs and when I hid it took them a half an hour to find me. Does that give you an idea of how crazy this building is? It was super fun though and I hope we will do it again. We then went to Lauren's apartment and played some games.

Cassidy and I just had a onesie party in the lounge we ate chips and salsa, danced in our onesie and watched sense and sensibility. A very productive sunday I think :)

I unfortunately spent more effort socializing rather then exerting energy on my school work. So I get to get up early tomorrow morning and pray that I can finish it before its due in my classes.

Cassidy and I are going to sell plasma on tuesday and if all works out well that will be my food money each week. I miss you all. Im going to try and visit around valentines day so I hope to see you then!


  1. Really? Selling Plasma? I thought you had enough money to not have to get a job. I think I would rather work than be drained of my plasma. If you come for Valentine's Day, we might have a baby by then.

  2. Im guessing this is heather then. I know I cant wait I hope you have Elsa by then! I do have enough money but I dont want to eat away my savings. plus if I sell plasma its no stress and like two hours a week. A job would be too much.
